Blinking & Flashing Lights Error Guide: Yamaha Enspire

Kevin Busse Nov 28, 2024
1255 People Read
Disklavier Piano Flashing lights lighting up

Blinking Lights on your Yamaha Disklavier Player Piano? Here's what they mean and how to make your piano work.

If you're in a customer’s house (or your living room), quickly finding out what these flashing light error indicators mean can be of huge relief, especially when troubleshooting on the behalf of piano dealers.

5 Blinking and Flashing Light Error indications for your Disklavier System

The error indicator may flash a red light when some error has occurred. Refer to the images below for an explanation of the lights on the display.

What do the blinking lights mean?

Blinking light indicators on Yamaha Enspire Pro, St, and CL can mean 5 or more different things?

#1 Failed firmware update

Yamaha Disklavier Blinking Lights troubleshooting

Firmware update has failed:

  • Turn the power off. Download the update program and try to update the firmware again whether by USB or through the ENSPIRE Controller app.

  • If the problem still persists, consult your Yamaha piano dealer.

#2 Two or more USB flash drives inserted OR flash memory is protected

Disklavier blinking lights problem

Two or more USB flash memories are connected at the same time; you can use only one USB flash memory at a time.

  • Disconnect the other USB flash memory from its USB port.

-- OR --

The USB flash Memory is protected.

  • Unprotect the USB flash memory.

#3 "Access Point" not found

Disklavier Blinking Lights meaning

The wireless router (access point) is not found.

  • Make sure that the wireless router (access point/"piano bridge") is turned on and configured properly.

  • If you connect the Disklavier and the wireless router (access point) using an Ethernet cable, make sure that the cable is firmly connected to the wireless router (access point) and ethernet jack.

*Read ==> 3 Best Ways to Connect a Yamaha Disklavier Piano to the Internet

*Read ==> 3 Best Routers to Connect Internet Wi-Fi for Yamaha Disklaviers

#4 Cannot obtain IP address

Disklavier Blinking Lights won't work

The Disklavier cannot obtain the IP address.

  • Check the settings of your network devices.

#5 Unknown: Consult Yamaha

Disklavier blinking lights troubleshoot

-- OR --

yamaha player piano blinking lights meaning

The piano control unit does not work properly.

  • Consult your Yamaha piano dealer.

  • If you are using the Enspire Controller app, please tell them the message on the screen.

(Kevin’s Pro-Tip: Carefully inspect each wired connection under the piano and retry the software update with a USB Flash Drive)


*Error messages also appear on the control screen of the Enspire Controller app. To close the message, tap on "Close" on the pop-up.

*Pressing any of VOLUME +/- or PLAY/PAUSE buttons turns off the error indicator. (It's a great way to hide the errors ;) HA!)

Final thoughts

Most of the time, the error indicator shows up because there is a problem accessing the internet.

It is less common to have an update fail, although it happens from time to time. Disklavier Firmware Updates can be completed over the Enspire Controller app or through the use of a USB thumb drive.

As a piano technician myself, I put this page together because I knew it would be useful for me to quickly find, as well as for other technicians!


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