Best Piano Room Humidifier for Humidity Control 2024

Kevin Busse Mar 01, 2024
270 People Read
Piano Room Humidifier

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. 

Searching for effective, low-maintenance, and inexpensive humidifiers for your piano room feels like an endless task.

End your search with the humidifier that Piano Technicians trust.

There are a variety of reasons why this particular humidifier, the Essick H12 by AirCare, is optimal for acoustic pianos.

Essick H12 Humidifier by AirCare

Piano Sized Humidifier

Compare the pros and cons:


  • 5.4 Gallon Humidifier Tank = Less refilling

  • Effective at humidifying up to 3,700 sq. feet*

  • 3 style options

  • 2 year warranty

  • Intuitive knobs to adjust humidity

  • It’s not too cheap nor too expensive!

*While 3,700 square footage humidifying capability sounds like a lot, I regret to inform clients that anything smaller will not suffice.


  • The plastic case is flimsy, so be gentle!

  • It's large

  • Not completely silent; sounds like a fan when operating

Large Humidifier for Pianos

This humidifier is ranked #5 on our list of 21+ Useful Gift Ideas for Pianists and Piano Lovers in 2024

After having owned this humidifier through the winter I can say that I have been completely satisfied with its performance.

Minimal refills

I’ve only had to refill this humidifier once every other week. To be frank, we also don’t blast the heat of the home very high, which helps maintain ideal humidity levels.

Shorter humidifying periods

Within a couple of minutes or less, this humidifier will have sufficiently humidified the piano room against dangerous low-humidity levels.

It’s such a relief how little it has to work in order for it to successfully humidify the space. I don’t get to see/hear it work very often due to its effectiveness.

Energy Savings

I imagine that less energy is consumed since it’s not constantly humidifying/fanning. It’s effective at humidifying a piano room within short time-frames.

“Set it and forget it” qualities

Once I set the minimum humidity parameter, I am free to walk away and not worry about it.

Since it's off my mind, I’ll occasionally open a window for a few minutes to check that it kicks-in when it should. As expected, it turns on once the humidity reaches the parameter I set.

Desired Product Specifications

  • Protects Musical Instruments

  • High Gallon Output

  • Large Square Footage Coverage

  • Large Physical Size

  • Contemporary Styling

  • Miscellaneous Specific Product Features

  • Performed online research across multiple stores

Humidifier survey

3 style options:

  • Copper Night

  • Light Oak

  • Oak Burl

Humidifier styles

Documentation of Humidity Control in Piano Care

Here’s some extra information about the effect of relative humidity levels related to piano Maintenance.

Wikipedia: Piano Maintenance and Humidity

Most piano owners that I know mistakenly purchase room humidifiers that are too small and ineffective at keeping the humidity at an acceptable level for their piano.

Be sure to heed the recommendations of the piano makers and eliminate any worries about humidity by taking control of the humidity surrounding your piano, today!

As a helpful reminder, colder months generally require a humidifier whereas warmer months generally require a dehumidifier.

H12 Evaporative Humidifier by AIRCARE


Do I really need to humidify my piano room?

Yes, sufficiently maintaining a constant humidity level of the piano room is the best practice no matter the brand, age, or size of piano.

In fact, before considering the purchase of a Piano Life Saver System / Dampp Chaser, the best way to protect the wooden parts of your acoustic piano is to get the ambient conditions of the entire room under control, first.

Since most piano owners don't know where to start to properly maintain a piano year round, I chose to share my perspective about the best humidifier for this purpose.

I purchased this humidifier myself so that I could write a review showcasing which humidifier I believe has the best price, value, and style.

Here’s the product survey I filled out with some highlights for why I chose this specific humidifier.

How can I keep humidity inside?

If it’s wintertime, low humidity goes hand in hand with cold weather and heating a house.

Leaky doorways/windows, drafty rooms, sunny areas, and unchecked humidity all contribute to poor conditions for the piano.

Do your best to stop humidity from escaping by closing doors and windows. Also, by plugging underneath doorways, increasing insulation, and making sure that windows are sealed.

The best practice is for Piano owners to have a humidifier in one form or another to protect and preserve against dry air in these conditions.

Is Humidity bad for Pianos?

Yes, humidity fluctuations specifically, are bad for pianos.

Especially, if the fluctuations include 34% and lower or 51% and higher relative humidity levels. These levels of relative humidity are strictly out-of-control and must be remedied. At this point, it’s common sense piano maintenance protocol.

35-50% Relative humidity is the ideal humidity level for an acoustic piano. This range provides a safe and stable environment, which is so important for preserving the condition of the piano.

What do piano makers say about humidity?

All major piano manufacturers agree it’s a good idea to maintain the moisture content of the air at a constant level, and above all, avoid sudden fluctuations.

Over-seas piano transportation include silica gel packets within the cabinet of the piano (especially uprights). This is to absorb the humidity shock the piano may encounter in its travels.

Silica gel packets essentially only have a 1 time use threshold after it has successfully returned to a dehydrated state. In other words, the packets must be immersed in a dry/arid environment again in order to be maximally effective at absorbing humidity shocks in each short-term use.

Can I Control Humidity with HVAC system?

Controlling moisture levels using the air conditioner in the summer months or reducing heat in the winter months can be useful.

Modifying humidity with legacy HVAC systems in this way usually requires blasting the AC or reducing the heat to an uncomfortable temperature.

Cranking the AC is much more costly than getting a suitable humidifier to do the job. It also may not get cold enough to produce the desired humidity level.

Reducing heat may be helpful to those struggling with humidity control in the winter. It is also a great technique if no one is in the home for a period of time.

Remedies using pre-existing HVAC systems can be helpful, but not a complete solution. Adding a humidifier/dehumidifier to the piano room will preserve the quality of life in the space by maintaining the temperature you love.

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Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase.