Piano Dampp-Chaser Humidity System: Pros and Cons

Kevin Busse Jan 11, 2025
536 People Read
Piano LifeSaver Logo
Table of Contents
  1. Piano Consumer FYI
  2. Dampp Chaser Piano Pros and Cons
    1. Pros
    2. Cons
  3. What are the benefits of the Piano LifeSaver?
  4. Is a Piano LifeSaver recommended if you have good humidity?
  5. Is a Piano LifeSaver recommended if you have poor humidity control?
  6. Should you buy a Piano Life Saver System?
    1. Buy if:
    2. Don't buy if:
  7. What are Piano LifeSaver recommendations?
  8. What are the components of the Dampp Chaser Piano System?

The Dampp Chaser Piano Life Saver System has pros and cons that aren’t always fully understood by the piano owners who purchase them. I don’t mean to sound ominous, though I wish to help point out exactly what we think as piano technicians who regularly install this piano humidity control system.

As a Professional piano technician, there are clear benefits of the Dampp-chaser system by reducing the effects of humidity fluctuations and protecting the piano's soundboard and action parts. Although, in order to perfect humidity conditions is a science that take time to learn, fully understand, correctly implement, and appreciate.

While the Dampp Chaser System is a great maintenance addition for most people with pianos, it’s not a holistic solution that most customers expect. This is because most homes aren't designed to maintain ideal humidity conditions; ideal conditions require whole room humidity solution.

Read: Best Humidifier for Piano Room: Low Maintenance/Heavy Duty

Read: Piano Room Dehumidifier: Why Control High Humidity?

I like the Dampp-Chaser Corporation and the Piano Life Saver System that they offer for piano maintenance. Additionally, I’d like to fully cover this topic to help people better understand how to best maintain pianos.

Piano Consumer FYI

A narrow range of average humidity is crucial to achieve optimal conditions for the piano.

The dampp chaser system is commonly used for well maintained instruments as well as regular household pianos.

Humidity fluctuations are often detrimental to the condition of the pianos tuning and to some extent, the wooden parts of the action.

Dampp-Chaser Upright Piano

Dampp Chaser Piano Pros and Cons


  • It may be the best way for customers who don’t expect themselves to successfully maintain the humidity surrounding the piano at least as well or better than this system will.

  • It’s generally more helpful than harmful for grand pianos and upright pianos.

  • When the moisture content of the piano room is already in good shape (35-50 percent humidity), a Piano Life Saver will help to perfect the humidity range for the piano.

  • It’s easy to maintain. (Requires just pad treatment, pads, water, and electricity)

  • Requires less water than humidifying the whole room/home.

  • Intuitive monitoring of water level of the water tank


  • The system falls short to address chronic ambient humidity shortcomings of the room.

  • It’s not a completely holistic solution.

  • Maintenance costs associated with pads, pad treatment, electricity etc.

  • Does not 100% guarantee protection from soundboard cracks.

What are the benefits of the Piano LifeSaver?

A new piano can benefit to better stabilize the temperamental soundboard, which is typically less than a few years old.

Even with a used piano, these systems are beneficial to maintain the stability of the surrounding humidity to maintain the tuning for longer periods of time.

It commonly prevents time-consuming pitch correction adjustments for the tuner. The pitch stability of the piano lasts longer.

Piano LifeSaver Upright Piano

Is a Piano LifeSaver recommended if you have good humidity?

In a case like this, the piano owner likely has a humidifier/dehumidifier system that produces a stable environment which prevents soundboard swells.

The addition of a Piano LifeSaver System for rooms with 35-50%RH would help optimize the humidity level nearest to the piano with small fluctuations successfully affecting the piano even less.

I think that recommending a Piano LifeSaver System in this case, when the humidity of the room is between 35-50%RH, is the best time for a recommendation. This is because the humidity of the room is already broadly under control, which enables the Piano LifeSaver System to control the humidity surrounding the piano to a fine degree.

Bottom Line: The Piano LifeSaver System is not expected to sufficiently overcompensate for suboptimal humidity conditions. While it does improve the humidity conditions within the cabinet of the piano, the humidity concern is not resolved until the ambient humidity of the whole room is between 35-50%RH.

Read: Best Humidifier for Piano Room: Low Maintenance/Heavy Duty

Read: Piano Dehumidifier: Why Control High Humidity?

Piano Life Saver System from Dampp-Chaser Logo

Is a Piano LifeSaver recommended if you have poor humidity control?

The best practice is to refrain from a Piano LifeSaver system installation until the ambient humidity of the room is made under control through the use of humidifiers/dehumidifiers. Air conditioners and heating systems will help only by a very small margin.

The only instance where I would recommend a Piano LifeSaver in this circumstance is if the customer has demonstrated an inability (whether in interest or capability) to address the humidity concern through the use of a room humidifier or dehumidifier, first.

After determining the inability of the customer to correct humidity concerns through holistic means, then the Piano LifeSaver may be an advisable solution to produce a better environment for the piano.

Dampp-Chaser Grand Piano

Should you buy a Piano Life Saver System?

I only recommend a Piano LifeSaver installation if the piano room already has suitable humidity conditions consistently between 35-50%RH.

Except for when the customer is completely unable to address humidity concerns, I will only recommend a Piano LifeSaver to make a good humidity environment (35-50%RH) even better.

The holistic approach to solving the issue of uncontrolled humidity is to address the room as a whole first, instead of jumping to the installation of a Dampp-chaser humidity control system.

Read: Best Humidifier for Piano Room: Low Maintenance/Heavy Duty

Read: Piano Room Dehumidifier: Why Control High Humidity?

Buy if:

  • You want the tunings to last longer, but it doesn't need to be a perfect/holistic solution

  • Maintaining your whole piano room sounds overwhelming

  • Your home already has good humidity control

Don't buy if:

  • The humidity of your home has chronic humidity issues and believe this will fully protect your piano

  • You believe there is no risk of soundboard cracks etc. just by owning the Piano Life Saver

What are Piano LifeSaver recommendations?

This piano humidity control system is typically recommended by piano technicians and tuners. *The only exception is when the piano is in an area where the humidity is wildly out of control.

The worst places to keep a piano:

  • Near a window

  • near an exterior wall

  • near the heater

  • near the A/C

  • anywhere unregulated climate (open windows).

Piano tuners generally recommend to have a D.C. system installed. (It helps to minimize "pitch raises")

The metal parts will not rust due to the D.C. This is a common misconception; it works to prevent rust.

Major piano manufacturers recommend maintaining some level of humidity control.

What are the components of the Dampp Chaser Piano System?

The basic components of the system

  • Pads

  • Pad Treatment

  • Light Panel

  • Humidifier Tank

  • Humidistat

Pads: are conceptually similar to being high-quality paper towel which are responsible for "wicking" up water over a heater bar to disperse humidity.

Read: How-To Instructions for Dampp-Chaser Pads Replacement

Pad treatment: is used to increase the life of Humidifier pads, minimize bacterial and algae growth, helps to keep the watering tube clean and clear, and designed to reduce mineral build-up.

Light Panel: The 3 lights on the light panel indicate what needs maintenance.

  1. Green light - Power is on

  2. Yellow light - Low water, needs re-filling

  3. Red light - Pads need replacement

Humidifier Tank: The humidifier tank securely rests within the piano cabinet, away from electronics.

Humidistat: The humidistat is the central brain of the system. It monitors relative humidity, turns on the humidifier/dehumidifier bars, monitors water level, and pad health.

*For Technicians: Optional smart bracket to reduce the risk of small components of the light panel coming loose, deemed a choking hazard.

Humidity Control Information for Piano

Best Humidifier for Piano Room: Low Maintenance/Heavy Duty

Best Humidifiers for Musical Instruments on Amazon [Top 3]

Accurate Hygrometer to Monitor Relative Humidity/Temp for Pianos

Piano Dehumidifier: Why Control High Humidity?

How to Replace Dampp Chaser Pads: Installation Instructions

Piano Dampp-Chaser Humidity System: Pros and Cons

10 Things To Know About the Piano Life Saver System

Table of Contents
  1. Piano Consumer FYI
  2. Dampp Chaser Piano Pros and Cons
    1. Pros
    2. Cons
  3. What are the benefits of the Piano LifeSaver?
  4. Is a Piano LifeSaver recommended if you have good humidity?
  5. Is a Piano LifeSaver recommended if you have poor humidity control?
  6. Should you buy a Piano Life Saver System?
    1. Buy if:
    2. Don't buy if:
  7. What are Piano LifeSaver recommendations?
  8. What are the components of the Dampp Chaser Piano System?