RankIQ Review 2025: SEO & Keyword Research Tool for Bloggers

Kevin Busse Nov 28, 2024
54 People Read
RankIQ Logo

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. 

RankIQ Review by Kevin Busse

I have used Rank IQ as a new blogger for almost a year now. Rather than switching up my keyword research tools, I am choosing to continue to use this great tool as my primary keyword research tool into 2024.

It’s simplistic, effective at enhancing the scope of each article, and reassuring to know it was made by bloggers.

I prefer to use my own semantic language, which often feels forced when using other keyword research tools like "Surfer SEO." RankIQ allows for flexibility for personalization so it doesn't feel inauthentic, all while using the right keywords.

What is Rank IQ?

Rank IQ is a service used by bloggers to improve how high their articles are ranked on Google.

My high ranking articles using RankIQ:

Here’s a list of articles that are ranked on the 1st page of google thanks to this search engine optimization tool.

1. Static IP: How Best to Setup TP Link with Yamaha Disklavier

2. How to Update Firmware on Yamaha Disklavier Enspire App

3. Japanese Yamaha Disklavier is Randomly Stopping

4. How to Update Software for Yamaha Disklavier E3/DKC-850

5. Piano Technician Tuner: How To Articles

After these 5 top-ranking articles on my website, there are a dozen (12) other articles ranking in positions 4-9 on Google.


  • Some of these articles were recently written in the past month

  • I have been writing articles for 1 year

  • The website does not have any significant backlinks

  • I currently have roughly 70 articles total

Ranking higher with RankIQ has helped me:

  • Access info I need quickly for my job

  • Helped my colleagues and clients access info quicker

  • Win additional clients through Google searches

  • Increase Affiliate Sales in my blog niche 

  • Significant improvements with Google Search Console results

Google Search Console Results

Google Search Console Results

What are the pros of using RankIQ?

The keyword list in the Content Optimizer:

RankIQ Keywords feature

(Better referred to as “topics”) RankIQ offers maximum flexibility to use your own words while writing comprehensive content. Usually the keywords come in 2-3 word pairs. Other services that recommend pairing more words than that together does more harm than good when it comes to authenticity, in my opinion.

The most important part is to know that the keyword “topics” are a great base line to incorporate into your article.

How does the title toolset on RankIQ work?

RankIQ SEO Title feature

There is a title toolset that offers quick title analysis for how to properly title your articles; with the right amount of keywords, and the right amount of characters which saves a lot of time.

low-competition keywords & high-traffic keywords search tool:

RankIQ low competition keyword feature

While I don't only go after low competition keywords for all of my articles, it can be useful to find articles that will usually get traffic if you optimize your article to go after it. Whether that keyword can be monetized or not is a different question!

These keyword phrases were hand selected by me using the RankIQ keyword library.

Updating old content using RankIQ

Something I like to do is update the article months later using a more refined set of keywords and update my previous article accordingly especially with an updated list of keywords and word count suggestion.

I've noticed that I get a boost of traffic whenever I update an old post. It often begins to perform much better afterwards.

What are features of RankIQ?

Content Planner Feature:

RankIQ Content Planner

As you can see, I don’t really use the content planners that should help with scheduling out blog posts. If you are a planner, I'm sure that this would be a fun tool to use to help you feel more accomplished each month. I really haven't played around with it all that much.

2024 is swiftly approaching, so I will begin to implement this feature in the new year.

Word Count Feature in content optimizer:

RankIQ Word Count Feature

I don’t always do the recommended word count. Sometime I go way past, sometimes I go under, and most of the time I will try to meet the recommended word count.

The content grade serves as a rough guide to determine how much effort to put in, in order for the article to rank or even the length of time it will take to rank.

What are the cons of RankIQ?

Time to Rank:

The terms are a little vague, for instance, when you can expect to rank “Fast, Ultra Fast. Slow” etc. I pretty much expect it to rank in a normal amount of time, but when it says slow, I know that it probably won’t end up ranking until I get more domain authority.

Competition Scores:

The competition scores aren’t always accurate. For instance, one of the articles that ranked very quickly didn’t have a low competition score. And vise versa. Some articles that had a relatively low competition score have not ranked/performed well.

While the competition and speed indicators aren’t always accurate, I see it as more of a general guide. After all, it can’t possibly understand all the dynamics of a given niche, especially if you’re writing content that has hardly been written about when the demand hasn't yet been predicted.

Keyword Library:

If you really know your Niche, sometimes you're better off using your own intuition than to only do Keyword Library article topics that are low competition. At the end of the day, the software can't always predict all possible topics if no one has come close to creating an article that people are craving to read on the internet. Even search data can't always tell you that, especially for a new target keyword.

What to know about using RankIQ?

To some extent, you have to use common sense to avoid keyword stuffing with less relevant keywords and spin the article in the most authentic direction, whether that means leaving some keywords on the table or ending up with a worse “grade” in the program.

Generally it’s good to cover the topic as well as possible by using more words where you can, however, I think that improving rankings can be more effective with subsequent revisions, rather than completing word count quotas.

Do you Recommend RankIQ?

I use RankIQ for a few reasons that appealed to me:

It was created by a blogger.

It provides a great amount of freedom with regard to the way in which you may write your article (doesn’t go too heavy on semantic keyword requirements)

I also enjoy listening to the Blogging Millionaire Podcast (which is the guy who developed RankIQ

It’s the service I stuck with so I’m comfortable with applying it in ways that maxes out its potential. (Running multiple reports on very similar keywords to find the best metrics within a report for low competition and least effort.

Sometimes it really doesn’t work well as a tool if you go too too niche/not enough data.

Who Created RankIQ?

Brandon Gaille is the host of the blogging millionaire podcast. The pod is very helpful for learning how to do blogging better.

The Blogging Millionaire Podcast Logo

The Blogging Millionaire Podcast on Spotify

The facebook group also has relevant comments from people who use this keyword search tool service.

RankIQ Mastermind Facebook Group

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Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase.