FREE PTG Convention Admissions: Scholarship Application
PTG Convention
Are you trying to get into the PTG Annual Convention for FREE? I'll tell you how!
Quickly Apply for full-ride scholarship
Every year, up to 8 full-ride scholarships are awarded to cover both the convention member registration fee in addition to the examination fee covering the applicants' final Technical or Tuning exam.
The Piano Technicians Guild Foundation provides this award to recipients who intend to complete take their final RPT exam test during the Annual PTG Convention & Institute.
The deadline each year for a completed application is April 30th. The free application is available to all Associate Members.
To be considered, applicants must:
Be Active Members
Have passed two (2) RPT exams
Take the third test at the upcoming PTG convention
Winners will be notified on or before May 15th.
*Haven't taken the written exam? Written exam available by emailing Written Exam PTG Email
Additional methods to reduce costs for admittance to the Annual Convention
If you don't win the scholarship, as a fellow piano technician, I know of 2 other ways to significantly reduce the cost of attendance for the PTG convention.
Easier Access to First-Timer Rates: $300 Off Registration
Will it be your first time attending a PTG convention? Waste no time (or money) at all by calling into the "Home Office" to register and ask for the "First-Timer Rate." (I promise they don't bite and will be excited to know you are a "first-timer")
Receive $300 off registration!
Call to register and ask for the "First-Timer" rate: 913-432-9975
The PTG is thrilled to provide educational opportunities for those looking to get started in Piano Technology.
Additional Convention and Exam Scholarships: Ask for funding from your local Chapter
The second time I attended the Annual PTG convention in Denver, Colorado I was fortunate to receive the Chicago Chapter of the Piano Technician's Guild "Virgil Smith Scholarship." At the time I lived in Chicago and they emailed me how I could become eligible to receive the award.
In the email at the time, it said:
"The Virgil Smith Associate Scholarship is now available. In order to qualify you must have taken and passed the written test. The application must be completed and delivered to a Membership Committee Chairperson or any Board Member by April 30. If awarded the Chicago Chapter is offering one award amount of $350.00 to an Associate to attend a PTG Annual Convention or a Regional Seminar and take a Technical or Tuning Test. The Board will review all applications and will announce its decision at the Associates Day meeting. This is well worth your time to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity."
*Virgil Smith was the name of a Piano Technicians Guild "Hall of Fame" member who was beloved by many in the Guild.
Thankful to The Chicago Chapter of the PTG to be a recipient of this award
I am thankful that I was awarded this scholarship. I believe there may be other chapters around the country who offer similar awards or may further help you receive the financial aid in order to attend the convention.
From Left to Right: Dave Davis, Lucas Brookins, Bill Bremmer, Kevin Busse (me)
Thanks to the scholarship, I was able to complete my 3rd and final exam in Colorado utilizing funds from this award.
Ask at local chapter meetings to see whether they have a scholarship fund or further information to support those with financial need to attend the conference.
How can I save money at the PTG Convention?
There are ALWAYS people who are willing to split hotel room/hotel room cost. You just gotta ask around!
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