Pianos Inside Out by Mario Igrec: Book Review

Kevin Busse Aug 19, 2024
18 People Read
Pianos Inside Out Book by Mario Igrec

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. 

I have used this comprehensive guide as reference material for work I have done in the piano industry since 2013.

This book has received high praise for being an in-depth, up-to-date, and explores a wide range of topics. It's a resource for piano technicians of all ages and experience levels.

I cannot recommend this most comprehensive book more highly. It's a must-have for any technician of the trade!

Praise for the book

Franz Mohr

Stephen Brady

Paul Badura-Skoda

Laurence Libin

Fred Sturm

Jim Laleggio

Dave Carpenter

Dale Erwin

David Stanwood

Christian Bolduc

Allen Wright

Anthony Gilroy

Marioara Trifan

Edward Foote

Mike Morvan

Greg Frank

Poppy Miles

Alexander Abel


This book includes well over 1,000 pictures, diagrams, and charts of valuable information.

A dedicated page containing a cross-sectional image of a grand piano with over 100+ names of parts.

Myth Busting

The book includes many "myth busting" facts presented by Mario to dispel common myths within the industry.

Learn why Piano teachers are incorrect when they insist to have a "heavier action" to make their students "work!"


The many visual diagrams and charts convey how to best approaches and describes common piano workplace scenarios.

This speeds up understanding of common piano issues and offers step-by-step instructions of how to best remedy any specific problem.

Pianos Inside Out by Mario Igrec


This 500+ Page textbook is best to be kept as a reference where technicians can search for answers to many of the most common (and uncommon) issues one may have while working with a piano.

Mario did a fantastic job of filling these pages without "fluff." It presents a much greater depth of the latest information than even the Arthur Reblitz book!

The Glossary

One of the most useful parts about textbooks are extensive glossaries. It's useful to familiarize yourself with new words commonly used in the trade to increase familiarity when undertaking any new task.

The glossary contains over 650 terms that are relevant to the trade of piano technology.

At the beginning of the book, a dedicated page lists specific trademarks and to whom the trademark is owned.

Table of Contents

  • History

  • Construction and Design

  • Maintenance

  • Tuning

  • Regulating

  • Voicing

  • Repairs

  • Moving a Grand Piano

  • Touch, Geometry, Playability

  • Rebuilding

  • Troubleshooting

Mario Igrec is now known as the Chief Piano Technician at The Juilliard School in New York.

Attn. New Piano Tuners! Educational Resources/Opportunities

  1. How to Become an RPT in Less than a year

  2. FREE PTG Convention Admissions: Scholarship Application

  3. Expensive Cybertuner App: Getting Started with iRCT Tuning

  4. 2 Powerful and Easy Services to Make A Website as a Tuner

  5. Piano Tech Eric Johnson Teaches “Practical European Voicing”

  6. How to Repair Keytops with Acrylikey in 10 Steps

  7. How to Make the Best String Jig for Piano Tuning

  8. How to Clean and Whiten Piano Keytops: From Gentle to Abrasive

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase.