Best 3 Piano Tuning Books for New Piano Technicians and Tuners

Kevin Busse Dec 15, 2024
86 People Read

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Top 3 Piano Tuning Books

Here are the top 3 well-known books in the industry that have withstood the test of time.

These books have stood out and passed down useful information especially considering the special time in which each of them were published. Bestowing technicians with valuable information by setting their own precedent in their uniqueness.

Reblitz Book

Piano Servicing, Tuning, and Rebuilding by Arthur Reblitz

This book is best for the beginner piano technician. It provides much of what's needed to pass all 3 exams (Written, Tuning, and Repair).

When I started out, I enjoyed turning through each page of this book. An easy read for any lay person who is interested in learning more about the trade of piano tuning.

Many technicians are familiar with this book, which is part of why it can be a great way to get started with your piano technician education.

The book provides in-depth regulation steps, repairs, and also includes a helpful image listing the parts within each upright or grand piano.

Knowing simple vocabulary is one of the best ways to bridge the gap between a beginner technician and piano experts.

It's especially helpful for those looking to pass their RPT exams. How to Become an RPT in Less than 1 Year

Piano Tuning Inside Out

Pianos Inside Out by Mario Igrec

This book is best kept as a reference depending on which type of job you will face as a piano technician.

The book goes in depth and covers completely many of the facets of piano repair.

Pianos Inside Out by Mario Igrec Review

Don't read this book from beginning to end, but it's better to keep as a reference for repairs as you encounter them.

The author Mario Igrec. currently works as Chief Piano Technician at The Juilliard School in New York.

The Craft of Piano Tuning

The Craft of Piano Tuning

This book is quite verbose by which it delves into the nitty gritty of tuning, partials, and temperament sequences.

I'll say it again, this book goes in-depth, at length, about the intricacies of tuning, partials, and the body movements/mechanics of the piano technician.

For those interested in taking their understanding of piano tuning expertise to the highest level, I recommend no other book than this thorough work by Dan Levitan.

Dan Levitan has contributed to the Piano Technician’s Guild by making new levers, writing books, and offering classes as only a few examples.


Piano Books for Piano Technicians

Piano Buyer by Hannah Beckett Book Review

Piano Tuning by J. Cree Fischer: Book Review 2024

Piano Servicing Tuning and Rebuilding by Arthur A Reblitz

Pianos Inside Out by Mario Igrec: Book Review

Top 3 Piano Tuning Books for Piano Technicians and Tuners

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